The master plan is a document that is being prepared for plots intended for development. The general plan of the site is necessary for the development of the project and evaluation of its technical and economic indicators. This is the basic scheme, which contains data on the structure of the site, its zoning, transport provision and other information.The master plan is a document that is being prepared for plots intended for development. The general plan of the site is necessary for the development of the project and evaluation of its technical and economic indicators. This is the basic scheme, which contains data on the structure of the site, its zoning, transport provision and other information.
Documents for the preparation of the master plan
- Sketch or 3D visualization of the future object.
- Topoplanes of the storage area allocated for construction with the display of already built objects.
- Scheme of the green spaces available on the site
- Technical specifications for connecting engineering communications
- Conclusions of experts who conducted engineering surveys.
You can provide us with the entire package of documents. If you do not have enough source documentation, our specialists can prepare them. In our company you can order:
- Topographic survey and drawing up a topoplane at the right scale.
- High-scale aerial photography
- Engineering and geodetic surveys for construction

Why do we need a master plan for development
The master plan allows you to determine:
- Functional territories.
- Placement of administrative objects.
- Zones with special conditions of use.
- Borders of localities.
- Borders of localities.
The development of settlements requires consideration of various factors. The master plan allows you to take them into account at the stage of development of project documentation. In the future, on its basis, other urban planning documentation is being developed, including PZP. The main task of the master plan is to help the local administration create a favorable living environment for the population.

What is included in the master plan
The master plan includes an explanatory note and a set of drawings. All drawings are executed at a certain scale. At the same time, designers must take into account natural conditions, the wind rose and other data. All objects in the drawings are designated using conventional signs established by GOST standards.
The annexes to the master plan include:
- List of available objects.
- Technical and economic features of the site.
- Additional drawings, for example, for landscaping.
Stages of development of the draft master plan

Preparatory stage. At this stage, specialists analyze the available information. Experts study the available cartographic and other materials, in most cases they go to the area. Based on the results of the first stage, I am preparing a scheme for the use of the territory.

Assessment of the territory. This is a long stage that lasts about 2 months. Here the designers analyze the territory. The stage is necessary in order to identify the existing limitations in the development of the settlement. At the end of the stage, another scheme is being prepared – a comprehensive assessment of the territory.

Development of project proposals. Based on the materials collected at the first two stages, specialists will prepare their project proposals for the development of the territory. The documentary result of the stage will be a set of maps. Preparation of project documentation takes 2-3 months.

Agreement. The draft general plan of the territory must be agreed upon. They do it at public hearings. Developers present demonstration materials on them. Before the start of public hearings, the master plan must be coordinated with the chief architect, sanitary, fire, environmental services. Sometimes the project involves changing the existing zoning. For example, the boundaries of forest lands or zones with special conditions may be changed. Such decisions should also be further agreed upon. The placement of any objects that can worsen the environmental situation must additionally be coordinated with the local authorities. The draft master plan is sent for approval by the head of the administration.